"Two Boochi Boo Balls"
a Lilo & Stitch fanfic by Inflationcouplingist

Before reading, please note that I'm translating alien experiment language into English so it looked like they're speaking it and the alien experiments remain un-aged physically.

Now for the fanfic...

*Hämsterviel's Lab*

Dr. Jacques von Hämsterviel was in his prison cell, finishing up his designs for his latest creation since he was defeated by Stitch and his alien 'cousins' 15 years ago. "One more adjustment and...FINISHED!" he announced, holding a pill up in his hamster hand. "After 15 years, I've completed my greatest creation!" He looked at the pill smiling deviously. "But before I use it on that blue abomination...let's test it on a pink one."

*Earth: Frenchfry's Diner*

Exp. # 062 aka Frenchfry was busy cleaning his diner getting ready for his customers to eat his healthizied food.

Suddenly, the door opened and then closed as someone entered.

"We aren't open!" Frenchfry said in his French accent.

"Hey Frenchfry." Exp. # 626 aka Stitch said as he entered, looking down.

"Oh, hello there Stitch." Frenchfry said as he came in with a gallon of coffee. The gray experiment chef looked at the blue experiment with concern. "What is the matter?"

"Ehh...it's nothing." Stitch told Frenchfry, taking the gallon of coffee.

"Is it Angel?" Frenchfry asked.

Stitch said nothing as he drank his coffee.

"Sorry." Frenchfry apologized.

"It's alright." Stitch said. "I've been checking every corridor of this sector and I still haven't found her." He shedded a small tear from his eyes. "I can't live with out my boochi boo."

"Don't worry Stitch, you'll find her." Frenchfry reassured him.

Stitch finished his coffee and smashed the cup in anger. "When I find that hamster, I'll make him pay for kidnapping my boochi boo!" he responded in anger.

Frenchfry backed away from Stitch in fear.

"HEY STITCH!" Exp. # 625 aka Reuben called out via wrist communicator.

"Yeah Reuben?" Stitch asked.

"We've got a trace of Angel's experiment energy." Reuben told Stitch.

"And?!" Stitch asked in hope.

"We've got her location." Reuben told her. "We are on our way to pick you up."

"Thanks!" Stitch told Reuben. He then turned to Frenchfry and handed him the payment for the coffee. "Keep the change!" He then ran out the diner.

*Hämsterviel's Lab*

Exp. # 624 aka Angel struggled herself to get out of her binds after she was kidnapped by Hämsterviel. *Ehhh...I've got to get outta here!* she thought.

Suddenly Hämsterviel came in and pressed a button, releasing Angel.

Angel found this her moment to escape, but she suddenly became paralyzed by something.

"No escaping for you lil Angel." Hämsterviel told her in mock tone.

"Hämsterviel!" Angel yelled in fury. "What do you want?!"

"Well...I needed a pink test subject to test my latest creation." Hämsterviel told Angel, showing the pill while smiling deviously. "And let's just say it'll be an air full time."

Angel growled in anger as she tried to bite Hämsterviel's nose, but missed.

"Hmm...not gonna cooperate are you?" Hämsterviel asked. "Well then..." He went to to Angel's back as unleashed a laser whip, striking her in the back.

Angel screamed in pain as she got whipped, shedding a small tear. She suddenly found the pill stuffed in her mouth and swallowed it forcibly by Hämsterviel.

Hämsterviel smiled deviously as he looked at Angel.

Angel suddenly felt bloated and looked down to find her belly bulging and getting bigger. "AHHH!!! What's happening to me?!" she cried. "What did you do to me?!"

"My new inflation pill, once consumed, will make anyone inflate into balloon." Hämsterviel explained to the inflating pink experiment.

Angel whimpered and teared from both the whip pain from her back and her inflating belly, her sides and back soon joining as she stood helplessly and paralyzed.

Suddenly, an explosion occurred and an alarm sound began.

"WHAT THE?!" Hämsterviel responded.

Angel continued to bulge and biggen, her arms and legs bulging with air as she wondered what the explosion was.

Hämsterviel went to the chamber door and wondered who was causing the explosion.

Suddenly, Stitch slammed the door open and barged in, the door smashing against Hämsterviel.

"S-S-Stichy?" Angel asked in fear as she bulged and inflated, her arms and legs sinking into her growing form.

Stitch turned to Angel and went eye wide as he saw his boochi boo inflating like a balloon. "ANGEL?!" he asked in shock.

"H-Help me..." Angel pleaded as her groin lifted her feet from the ground. Suddenly, she managed to stop inflating and gently rocked on her groin, her size and shape at 5 feet.

"Wha...What did Hämsterviel do to you?" Stitch asked in worry.

"Hämsterviel made me swallow a pill that inflated me into a balloon just to test it out!" Angel explained to Stitch, crying. "He wanted to use it on you!"

The door fell down and revealed Hämsterviel smashed against the wall before he walked away from it. "Ohhhhh...my head." he said in pain.

Stitch turned to Hämsterviel in anger. "YOU!!!" he yelled.

Hämsterviel looked at Stitch with fear. "Uh..." he responded.

Stitch walked over to Hämsterviel and punched him in the face hard, the alien hamster flying through the wall from the impact. He then came over to Angel and looked at her with worry. "Don't worry Angel, I'll get you out of here." he said, going to her backside and attempting to tip her from behind.

Angel yelped in pain as Stitch grabbed her back.

Stitch became worried as he went to Angel's face. "Angel, what's the matter?" he asked.

"Hämsterviel had to whip my back to get me to open my mouth." Angel told Stitch, crying. "It hurts..."

"Forget rolling, I'll carry you." Stitch told her, grabbing and lifting her and running from the lab.

Hämsterviel laid still for a while before getting back and shaking his head. "Why that lil..." he responded as he heard engine sounds coming from the docking bay and seeing a ship flying away. He ran towards his ship and flew after the ship.

*Galactic Alliance Cruiser*

Reuben piloted the cruiser since Gantu retired, carefully going through an asteroid field.

"You think Angel will be alright as a balloon?" one of Reuben's team mates asked.

"Don't know." Reuben replied. "But she'll be with Stitch there."

Meanwhile, Stitch carefully bandaged Angel's whip mark. "There, I hope..." He stopped mid sentence as he looked at her giant round body. "Never mind." he said, not wanting to make his boochi boo angry.

"I...I'll be fine Stitch." Angel reassured him, her eyes watery.

Suddenly, laser noises were heard.

"What's going on?" Stitch asked.

Reuben came into the room. "Hämsterviel's following and firing us." he told them.

"Oh no, he's after me!" Angel cried.

"He'll have to go through me if he tries that!" Stitch said with fury.

"You mean he'll go through this ship!" Reuben corrected Stitch, closing the door.

"Shield's are up sir!" another one of Reuben's team mates said.

Reuben ran to the gun controls and tried to aim at Hämsterviel's ship.

Hämsterviel kept firing and firing lasers at the ship, but they were deflected by the ship's shields

"Shield's down almost to 50%!" another of Reuben's team mates responded.

"Almost..." Reuben spoke softly as he tried to aim for Hämsterviel's ship passing through asteroids till... "GOTCHA!" he fired a laser and hitted a wing of the ship, sending it spinning into an asteroid till it exploded and the mad doctor was no more. "Phew...it's over, at last."

*Moments later*

Stitch carried Angel back into his house, which once belonged to Lilo and Nani till they went their seperate ways, though he decided to stay here with Angel.

Reuben's ship lifted off and flew back to Galactic Command.

Frenchfry was at the house, waiting for Stitch and Angel. He saw how big and round Angel had become. "Sacre bleu!" he gasped.

"Hey hey, don't be scared Frenchfry, it's just Angel." Stitch told the gray experiment chef.

"I...I'm just...bloated." Angel added.

"Duh!" Frenchfry responded. "Uhh...w-well...y--you're not..."

"It's okay if you find me ridiculous." Angel told Frenchfry. "I just want your honesty."

"My reaction is to laugh at you, but not if it hurts your feelings." Frenchfry told Angel. "I don't want to make you feel worse, or I get punch in the face really hard."

"Umm, thanks...I think." Angel said.

Stitch gently placed Angel down on her belly and turned to Frenchfry. "You think you can help her?" he asked. "Since Jumba left Earth and taught you his science, maybe you could help her."

"I'll try my best." Frenchfry told Stitch, taking Angel to Jumba's old lab to examine her. "Don't worry Angel, I won't dissect you or anything, Stitch would kill me if I did that."

"Thanks I guess." Angel told Frenchfry as she was taken into the lab.

Stitch waited in his room, which also belonged to Lilo before she moved to Galactic Command with Nani and David going to Honolulu and Jumba and Pleaky going back to their respective planets. "Man...wish Lilo was here." he said to himself. "I could really use her help right now."

*Hours Later*

Frenchfry came into Stitch's room, his expression a bit sad.

"Hey Frenchfry." Stitch greeted. "You think you can restore Angel?"

"I'm sorry Stitch, but Hämsterviel's pill has a fail-safe that kept the victim as a balloon." Frenchfry explained. "Angel's stuck."

Stitch dropped to his knees and drooped his head.

"Strange, that pill's fail-safe is like the one on my pill I created to keep fattened victims fat permanently." Frenchfry said. "But the compound of it is difficult to figure out."

"You had one like Hämsterviel's?" Stitch asked.

"Not quite." Frenchfry told Stitch. "It keeps any fattened victims fat instead of inflating them. Since I always...well, used to, eat any fattened victims, I never found a use for it."

Stitch thought about the last time he got fattened, he was no taller than Angel is now. An idea suddenly occurred to him. "You still have your pill?" he asked.

*Moments in the kitchen*

Frenchfry had finished making a large amount of junk food for Stitch. "You sure you want to do it?" he asked.

"I'm sure." Stitch responded. He then went to over to Angel and patted her giant and furry light pink belly.

"A-Are you sure you want to get fat Stitch?" Angel asked.

"I'm sure..." Stitch told Angel, kissing her belly. "For you."

Angel blushed as her belly was kissed, smiling a little. "Oh my boochi boo..." she spoke cutely.

Stitch smiled at Angel before he went to the table. "Okay, I'm ready." he said, hopping into the pile of food and began chowing down.

Angel and Frenchfry watched as the pile of food began to shrink.

"I never seen Stitch fat before." Angel said. "But I did hear you tried to eat him and Lilo."

"Uhhhh...oh...b-butttt..." Frenchfry stammered, not wanting to comment on that part.

Angel said nothing as she watched the pile of food decrease in size, seeing a pudgy light blue belly and a blue alien head from within the pile.

Stitch continued eating the pile at a fast pace till there was nothing but the table left and he became nothing more than a giant, 5 1/2 foot, blue ball, his arms and what was left of his legs remained un changed. "Man, I haven't been this big in years." he said. "I forgot how good it felt."

Angel looked in awe at how big Stitch had become, and it was to comfort her so she didn't feel big alone. "Ohhh...you look kinda cute all big and round like that." she told him, smiling cutely a bit.

Stitch blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "Ehhehehe, thanks Angel." he said nervously.

Frenchfry came and threw his only pill to him. "Here you go." he said. "I'll leave you and Angel alone now, I don't trust Slushy with my diner." With that, he left to see if his restaurant was not frozen.

Stitch placed the pill in his mouth and swallowed it. His body rumbled loudly before it stopped. "Well, guess that's all there is for that." he said.

Angel rocked slowly on her groin as she looked at the fat Stitch. "You gonna be okay all round and fat?" she asked.

Stitch waddled over to Angel and hugged her, his fat belly smushed against her balloon belly. "Long as I'm with you..." he told her, giving her cheek a kiss. "Boochi boo."

Angel blushed and giggled cutely as she wrapped her antennas around Stitch's head and tipped herself till her head was nuzzling his belly. "Oooohhh...you're so warm." she purred, nuzzling his soft and furry belly.

Stitch smiled as he rubbed and patted Angel's round back. "Seems your back's getting better." he said.

"Thanks to you." Angel told Stitch sweetly, kissing his poofy fat chest.

Stitch carefully and slowly removed Angel of her bandage without hurting her.

Angel smiled and purred as she nuzzled Stitch's chest, but she then yawned a bit.

"Here, let me get you to bed." Stitch replied, lifting Angel and carrying her away.

Angel smiled as she was carried. "Oh you're so strong." she told Stitch.

Stitch came into the living room and hopped onto a giant pillow bed with Angel he had set out.

"And bouncy!" Angel giggled. "I wonder if I can bounce as well?"

"Maybe we'll find out tomorrow, that way we can have a good time together." Stitch told Angel, snuggling between her and the many pillows before reaching up and grabbing a blanket to cover themselves up with.

Angel snuggled her body against Stitch's to get comfortable. "Thank you Stitch for everything." she said.

"You're welcome Angel." Stitch said.

Angel pulled herself in with her antennas wrapped around Stitch's head. "I love you, my blue boochi boo ball." she whispered.

"I love you too, my pink boochi boo ball." Stitch whispered, giving Angel a kiss on her lips.

Angel purred as she kissed Stitch back, hearing him purr as well.

Soon, the two boochi boo balls slowly broke the kiss and snuggled each other, nodding off in peace and love.



"Frenchfry's log 001: After being created, I have discovered through my DNA and with the DNA of others, especially the female ones, that we are not officially related, but are compatible species. On a later note, I have created a pill that will keep a fattened victim permanently fat with no way of getting back to normal. It also has a fail-safe that'll keep them in their fat form no matter how much of my food they eat. I have yet to test it out, but maybe I can use Jumba to test it on if I can stop myself from eating him first. End of line."