"Rescuing of the Peach Balloon"
a Mario fanfic by Inflationcouplingist

Mario and Luigi ran and knocked off any Koopas that were in their way as the Mario Bros. reached Bowser's throne room.

"Well, glad you could come Marios." Bowser greeted with a mock smile on his face.

"Where's Peach Bowser?!" Mario asked in anger.

"Well, she's in her prison as usual and this time I made sure that she had no chance of escape." Bowser explained. "Once you two are out of the way, I'll marry the princess and rule the Mushroom Kingdom!"

"That will never happen Bowser!" Mario told the dragon king before turning to his brother Luigi. "You ready?!"

"Ready Mario!" Luigi responded.

Both Mario Bros. soon ran up to Bowser and prepared to attack him.


Peach was in her prison, trying to escape. "Ugh! I've gotta get outta here!" she told herself. She searched around from something, but no avail...until she felt something in the ground and pressed it. "Perfect!"

Suddenly, a trapdoor opened from under Peach, making her fall through it.

"AHHHH!!!" Peach screamed as she fell.

The Koopa that was guarding Peach's cell was still asleep, not knowing of what occurred.

Peach fell down till she suddenly landed into a lab on her butt. "Oww..." she responded, rubbing her butt as she got up and looked around. "Where am I?" She looked the lab, trying to find a way out.

Suddenly from out of no where an experimental white P-Balloon landed on the floor just when Peach stepped on it and popped it.

"YEEP!" Peach squeaked as she felt the balloon pop by her foot. She suddenly felt a bit bloated and held onto her belly before looking at the remains of the balloon, most notably the letter P. "Oh no...that was a P-Balloon! I'm..." She looked down at her belly and saw it bloating and getting bigger. "AHHHH!!!!"

Suddenly, some Koopas entered to get Peach back in her cell, but their mouths dropped as they saw what was happening to her.

Peach whimpered as her belly, and soon back and sides, bulged and inflated by the power of the P-Balloon. She grew and and rounded as her arms and legs soon bulged and inflated, looking like cones, and her dress slowly revealing her white cotton frilly panties, both forming nicely around her inflating body. "Oooohhhh...I'm getting so big..." she whimpered as she biggened and rounded.

"Uhhh...is that who I think it is?" a Koopa asked, his voice deep.

"YYYYeeeeip." another Koopa answered, his voice chipmunk like.

"Oh boy, Bowser's not gonna like this." a third Koopa said, his voice being a stereotype of Sylvester Stallone. (I mean no disrespect for Stallone what so ever, I've just been watching the Rambo movies too much)

Peach whimpered as her arms and legs started to sink into her growing round body, her dress and panties forming nicely around her and without revealing any of her skin, even the panties amazingly. "Ooooohhhh...h-h-help me..." she pleaded, crying as her groin pressed against the floor, her head, hands, and feet began to get pulled into her body, and her cheeks puffing a bit. Suddenly, she jiggled a bit before she became stiff and stopped inflating, now a 10 foot human Peach balloon, her head, fingers, and toes being the only body parts visible, though her hands and feet not formed.

The Koopas approached Peach and looked at her.

"Oooohhh..." Peach whimpered as she noticed the Koopas. She tried to at least waddle away, but her groin kept her from even moving.

One Koopa poked Peach from her lower half, but that made her tip.

"EEEEKKKK!!!" Peach squealed as she suddenly found herself rolling head first out of the lab, her crown dropped as she escaped.

"Oh boy." the Koopas replied simultaneously before running off to get Peach.

Peach screamed as she rolled head first. "HELPPPP!!!!" she screamed as she rolled. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a trap door 20 feet wide opened and she fell through it.

The Koopas stopped and looked at the open trap door, seeing Peach falling till they couldn't see her anymore.

"What kind of idiot puts trap doors where people walk?" one of the Koopas asked in frustration. "A monkey?!"

"Bowser." a second Koopa answered.

The Koopa went silent for a bit before he looked at the trapdoor. "Yea...the monkey would've been smarter than Bowser in castle construction."


Mario and Luigi were still battling Bowser in his throne room, filled with a moat of lava.

Luigi was sweating from the heat of the lava moat. "Ugh! Who has a lava moat?!" he asked as he sweated. "It's fricken hot in here!"

"What you mean Mario clone?!" Bowser asked. "I don't feel a thing."

"That's because your a fricken dragon!" Mario yelled, sweating.

"Well...anyway, now that you're weak, I'll just throw you into my moat and watch you melt." Bowser explained. "Then finally...I cam marry the beautiful Pe..." He suddenly heard a yell getting closer and closer.

"Huh?" the Mario Bros. question upon hearing the screaming.

Suddenly, Peach fell from the ceiling door and bounced off of Bowser's head before landing on Mario, dizzied out.

Mario's mouth dropped as he saw Peach as a balloon. "PEACH?!!!" he questioned in shock.

Luigi and Bowser's mouths also fell down upon seeing Peach as a balloon.

Peach groaned a bit getting out of her dizzy state. "M-M-Mario...?" she asked as she opened her eyes. She then went eye wide and blushed in embarrassment. "AHHH!!!"

"P-P-Peach...what's wrong?!" Mario asked.

Bowser looked at the ballooned princess with tears in her eyes. "NOOO!!!!!! She's ugly and it's all my fault!" he cried. "Now I have to destroy her!" He suddenly formed a fireball. "Goodbye Peach."

Mario looked at Bowser and threw Peach in the air, running towards the fire-breathing dragon and head butting him in the stomach.

Peach yelped while thrown in the air, but saw what Bowser was going to do to her and what Mario had done.

Bowser felt the impact of the head-butt and tipped towards the lava moat and fell in, melting till he was gone.

Peach yelped a bit before she bounced a bit and settled down. "M-M-Mario?" she asked in a bit of fear.

Mario sweated a bit as he approached Peach's behind. "You okay princess?" he asked, patting her pantied groin.

Peach blushed deeply in embarrassment as her groin was patted.

Mario removed his hand from Peach's pantied groin. "Ehh...s-s-sorry princess." he apologized.

"I-It's okay Mario." Peach reassured Mario. "But...can we please leave?"

"Ehh...princess, how did you become a balloon in the first place?" Luigi asked.

"Umm...I don't really want to talk about it Luigi." Peach replied.

"Let's just get you back to the castle." Mario told Peach. He attempted to grab her from her pantied groin, but pulled back so as to not offend her.

"I-It's okay Mario." Peach told Mario. "Go ahead."

"I...I don't want to offend you Peach." Mario said.

"You...you won't." Peach responded.

Mario gulped a bit before he grabbed and lifted Peach from her groin and walked out of Bowser's castle, Luigi following.

The Koopas soon came over to the moat area where Bowser had fallen and looked at it. Suddenly though, a burst of cheers came from the Koopas, happy that Bowser was gone for good.

**At Princess Peach's Castle in the Mushroom Kingdom**

The Toads gasped in shockness as they saw their dear princess a giant round balloon before they fainted.

A few of some Magitoads came and examined the balloon princess.

Mario and Luigi stood next to Peach, looking at her.

"Well...?" Peach asked nicely.

The Magitoads looked at each other before their heads nodded down.

Peach gasped at the reaction. "You mean...I'm stuck like this?" she asked, tears forming in her eyes.

The Magitoads didn't look at Peach, but nodded.

Peach closed her eyes and cried, her tears rolling through her swollen cheeks.

Mario looked at Peach and rubbed her side gently before tipping her over to see her face.

Peach opened her eyes a bit as she faced Mario.

"Peach...I'm so sorry." Mario apologized with kindness.

"Why...why are you apologizing?" Peach asked, sniffing a bit.

"I..." Mario responded, before he removed his hat and shot a kiss. A deep kiss, but one of kindness and love.

Peach was shocked that Mario kissed her, but she slowly closed her eyes and melted in the kiss.

Mario soon broke the kiss and hugged her head and puffy cheeks. "I love you...so much Peach." he told her. "I love you, balloon or not. I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

"Mario...?" Peach asked.

Mario looked at Peach, his eyes filled with kindness and love.

Peach looked at Mario, her sad frown now a smile. "I love you too Mario." she said. "And I would love to be with you forever...as my husband."

Mario smiled and knelled down, picking up a small white box and revealing a diamond wedding ring. "Princess Peach...will you marry me?" he asked.

Peach looked at the ring, tears flowing down her eyes and a smile on her face. "I do Mario." she said.

Mario placed the ring onto Peach's finger and kissed his newly dubbed fiance with love and passion.

Peach kissed Mario back with the same love and passion.

The Magitoads and Luigi looked at Peach and Mario, tears of joy flowing down their eyes.

"Ohhh...I always cry at weddings." Luigi said, crying. "Now I'm gonna cry even more at my bros. own wedding."

One of the Magitoads came and patted Luigi.

"Now I'm gonna be an uncle." Luigi added as he dried his tears a bit.

"We're gonna need a bigger castle soon." one of the Magitoads said. "Fit for our new balloon queen and the babies."

That point on, the Mushroom Kingdom lived happily ever after.